University of Crete Library
Homepage :: User's Services :: Rare books collections :: Preservation lab
The workshop for Preservation and conservation
It is responsible for:
- Participation in organizing periodical or permanent exhibitions of the library material within or outside the library (preparation of the old printed volumes and the other material using professional methods of exhibiting and presenting it).
- Preservation and restoration of the items that consists the library's folkloric collection and catering for setting up its future permanent exhibition.
- Regular book insect killing activities, as well as implementation of modern methods of fumigation according to the specific needs of the library material,
- Organizing cooperative project activities with specialized workshops of quality and quantitave analysis, identification and diagnosis,
- Undertaking projects of conservation of book and archival collections (as it is the case with the Library of the Educational Association of Adrianoupolis, consisting of about 3500 volumes printed between the 16th and 19th century.
- Cooperating with the Library’s departments that are responsible for the procedure of the Library’s annual book binding tender.
- Cooperating closely with the library’s bookbinders, advising them for improving the quality as regards the library’s material.
- Participation in organizing the part of the library’s guided tours, which is related to the presentation of the Preservation Workshop and its activities.
- Providing consulting services for applying more effective and modern methods and ways in protecting and preserving the rare books and the archival material.