The INRS Project aims to reinforce and enhance knowledge transfer between academia and business in European Union (EU) countries and to enable HEIs to provide increased and specialist information support to Research, Business and Innovation in the EU and in the regions that they serve.
This will be achieved by improving and increasing the level of competencies and skills of Information Specialist staff in the EU partner institutions in the project. INRS will enhance and build on the skills of staff in these universities, so as to strengthen their abilities to provide quality, relevant supports to business, researchers and local enterprise in the Regions.
The project will develop an Information Specialist (IS) staff development strategy focused on improving the standards, range and quality of library performance in providing support to business, entrepreneurship, innovation and research in the EU with particular focus on improving key transferable, lifelong learning skills.
DIGITOOLS aims to introduce enhanced digital tools and methods to help university staff deliver quality education through online means. The objectives of DIGITOOLS Project is to set out and forecast the needs of Higher Education Institutions in the field of digital education and to develop relevant learning methodologies, to identify the gap between skills acquired in higher education and the demands of the real labour market, to identify and implement best practices and to design methods for delivering high quality teaching courses, in digital environments.
The IPEDU project aims to introduce education in the field of Intellectual Property (IP), in the curriculum of Universities, through training the librarians in the area of IP. The objectives of the IPEDU Project are to set out and forecast the needs of the labour market in the field of Intellectual Property and to develop relevant learning methodologies, to identify the gap between skills acquired in higher education and the demands of the real labour market, to identify and implement best practices and to design methods for the protection of Industrial Property.
The 3D printing support service for innovative citizens (INNO3D) project is designed to improve and diversify the services offered to users of university and other libraries by offering library users key skills and the opportunity to develop 3D printing competencies. This will be achieved by training librarians who will then train library users, students, staff and citizens in general to use 3D Printing services.
DECIDE will foster the right of individuals with special needs in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan to access education, enjoy the right of participation in everyday society and to combat discrimination by instilling awareness and acceptance in society as in line with the Bologna Process and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This in turn facilitates the creation of the Access Liaison Officer role at each institution, to promote disability access, and the National Special Needs Awareness Day focus via the nationally strategic Action Groups comprised of Universities, Public Administration institutes, Ministries and NGO's.
The project will promote and develop access to inclusive education, social integration and non-discrimination treatment of those with special needs in education in accordance with Bologna Process and UN criteria. Through implementation of the 8 DECIDE Introductory and Advanced Curriculum modules, the project will foster regional integration and cooperation across different regions of the Central Asian countries through joint initiatives, sharing of good practices and cooperation to improve the level of competencies and skills in HEIs and Society by developing these new and innovative education programmes.
LNSS aimed to modernise and reform libraries in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro focusing on the challenge of library development as a national issue requiring open and joint involvement of all affected parties, interaction and the readiness to strive for advanced library and information services in this Information Society.
Specific objectives of the project were: Reinforce and modernise libraries and improve the level of competencies and skills of library staff in HEI’s by developing innovative libraries as a support to education and lifelong learning. Develop a library staff development strategy focused on improving standards and quality of library performance, so as to improve the quality of library services and higher education generally, enhancing their relevance for the labour market and society. Enhance the management, governance, innovation capacities and accessibility of libraries through strategic planning and policy development.
Project’s website
LNSS aimed to modernise and reform libraries in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus focusing on the challenge of library development as a national issue requiring open and joint involvement of all affected parties, interaction and the readiness to strive for advanced library and information services in this Information Society.
Specific objectives of the project were: Reinforce and modernise libraries and improve the level of competencies and skills of library staff in HEI’s by developing innovative libraries as a support to education and lifelong learning. Develop a library staff development strategy focused on improving standards and quality of library performance, so as to improve the quality of library services and higher education generally, enhancing their relevance for the labour market and society. Enhance the management, governance, innovation capacities and accessibility of libraries through strategic planning and policy development
Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020. Education, training, youth and sport can make a major contribution to help tackle socio-economic changes, the key challenges that Europe will be facing until the end of the decade and to support the implementation of the European policy agenda for growth, jobs, equity and social inclusion.
The project aimed at developing lifelong learning courses and innovative online modules for lifelong learning for universities in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo under UNSC Resolutionl 244/99 and Montenegro, addressing relevant regional priorities for the Western Balkans (Development of lifelong learning in society at large). The main features of the project included the identification of best IL practice, transfer of knowledge, development and implementation of IL programs and training, including online IL suites, development of IL policy and dissemination and exploitation of results across all participating countries.
Wider objective of the project was the Furthering of the Bologna process for a Europe of Knowledge by developing information literacy (IL) programs for use in curricula.
It is about a University project where the Library plays a central role. The project has been running in the context of the operational program named Information Society which is part of the NSRF (2011-2014) The title of the project is “Managing, enhancing and promoting digital academic content at the University Crete”. As its title implies, it aims to provide the means by which the digital content being produced and preserved by the University will be utilized in a way that yields a maximum benefit for its community.
2nd CSF – Istros
2nd CSF – School Libraries in all regions of Greece
Mediation of rare books over yhe Internet