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About rare books collections

Old books, engravings and other printed or non printed material of particular historic, artistic or scholarly value and importance that has been either purchased or donated is kept for security reasons in the Closed access collections of the University of Crete Library of Rethymnon.
The Library’s policy as regards the book collections, which have been purchased or donated, is to keep them undivided to reflect the range of interests of their creators, and their intellectual adventure.
The department of the Close access collections is responsible for:
- Administrating and protecting the material of the Close access collections,
- Administrating and protecting the archival material,
- Serving the users as regards the material of the Close access collections,
- Creating electronic records for the rare book material,
- Organizing exhibitions and other activities for the promotion of the rare and the other library treasures,
- Publishing and circulating promotional and information leaflets relevant to the library’s holdings,
- Collecting important documents and other historical objects.