University of Crete Library
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All active members of the Academic Society of the University of Crete have the right to use the Library & Information Services (LIS) after they have been registered and being supplied with the special library ID card.

The library ID card permits access to all collections and services of the LIS. It implies that users are aware of the library regulation and the obligations that are derived thereof.

The users are obliged to be compliant with Library regulation as well as the recommendations given by the Library staff.

The users are obliged to be cautious when using the available Library material and equipment. Any damage or loss will incur compensation as it is declared in the regulation below.

1.1 University users

1.1.1 All active members of the Academic Society of the University of Crete have the right to use the Library & Information Services (LIS) after they have been supplied with the special library ID card. The library ID card permits access to all collections of the LIS and may be used only by the individual to whom it is issued.

1.1.2 In order to be able to use LIS services, recently appointed academic and research Staff, should have a library card issued and make sure they are aware of the Regulation, the Library's System and the operation details. They need to bring a letter from their DepartmentΆs secretary, which confirms the nature and the time of employment within the University of Crete.

1.1.3 First year students will be able to get the library ID card only after participating in one of the special training seminars about the use of LIS at the beginning of each academic year.

1.1.4 Retired academic staff of the University of Crete, honorary doctors and administrative staff have library membership rights.

1.2 External users

1.2.1 All University of Crete Graduates and Tutors can apply to become external library users for three years after graduation free of charge.

1.2.2 Special teaching staff receives a library card and become external users free of charge by bringing the appropriate confirmation.

1.2.3 Members of the greater education, scholar and research community, who live permanently in Rethymno or Heraklio, as well as organisations and private firms can become external library users by following the necessary procedure: Complete an application form and accept the terms of membership. Provided the application is accepted, a library card with the userΆs photo is issued. The card should always be presented when borrowing library material. Giving untrue personal data (e.g. accommodation details) is considered to be a serious violation of the regulation and membership will be suspended. External users pay an annual fee of 25 Euro. In case of organisational membership, the Library Head Director suggests an amount that must be approved by the Rector Council.The income of the membership fees are used to cover functional needs. If a user plans to be away from his accommodation address for more than 20 days, he/she is obliged to return the books he/she has borrowed before leaving. The Library Head Director has the right to suspend library ID card in cases of serious violation of the Regulation of the LIS.

1.3 Visitors

1.3.1 Visitors may use the library material in the reading rooms and the open collections of the Library, provided they are subscribed every time in the guest book kept at the circulation desk.

Visitors that intend to use LIS for more than a week may get a temporary entrance pass, provided they bring a passport-sized photograph.

2.1 All Academic Staff of the University of Crete and members of the Library have the obligation and the right to suggest acquisition of material by contacting the Acquisitions Department and the Department of Periodicals and Databases.
2.2 Acquisitions Department collects all requests for ordering, groups them in lists and advances them twice a week to the Library Head Director, who is responsible to approve them or not.
2.3 The list of the requests for ordering that did not proceed is handed to the Library Head Director who checks them along with the departmentsΆ library committees.
2.4 Library users can be informed about the process of their requests via the on-line library catalogue. The Acquisition Department may provide (upon request) a list with proceeded and rejected orders.
2.5 Committee Members have the right to recommend re-examination of rejected order proposals. So does anyone who wishes to support a request and discuss his/her argument on a specific item purchase.
2.6 In case that one particular order is urgent, the user may cooperate with his/hers departmentΆs library committee, so as to proceed as quickly as possible.
2.7 Regular orders' proposals (periodicals etc) are prepared annually by the AcquisitionsΆ Department Director in cooperation with the Department of Periodicals and Databases. However responsible for the final decision are the Library Head Director and the Library Committee.
2.8 The Department of Archives, Limited-access Collections, Rare Material and Conservation is in charge to be informed about the book-lists of old-book shops. Acquisition of such material is preceded by maintaining absolute priority and after being approved by Library Head Director.
2.9 Departments must inform the library on time about the annual curriculum and request any relevant material that is not available in the library.
3.1 Library users that hold a library card and for who overdue material or outstanding fines are not in abeyance, have the right to borrow library material, except material of restricted use mentioned in article 6 paragraph 6 of the Organizational Structure of the Library.
3.2 Circulation hours must be strictly followed by all patrons & groups.
3.3 The material to be lent is carefully examined when checking in and out. In case of damage of the material issued to the user, the latter must pay to cover its replacement.
3.4 Users may ask to reserve an item, in case it is already on loan. In such a case:
3.4.1 LIS is responsible to ask from the patron that holds the item to return it within 7 days.
3.4.2 The item is reserved for 7 days.
3.4.3 Priority is maintained depending on reservation date and time.
3.5 Loan periods and borrowing limits vary per user group.

3.5.1 Academic staff Up to 30 items for the entire semester or summer period. When the borrowing limit expires, the patron must return the material for check-out or renewal. Academic staff can hold an item for up to two borrowing periods. In case of absence due to research outside University of Crete, the patrons must return any borrowed items.

3.5.2 Administrative staff Up to 8 items for 20 days without renewal privileges.

3.5.3 Undergraduate students, Erasmus/Socrates students Up to 7 items for 10 plus 3 days and the right to renew twice.

3.5.4 Postgraduate Students Up to 10 items for 30 days without renewal privileges.

3.5.5 External users Up to 5 items for 15 days without renewal privileges and provided they have paid their annual fee.

3.6 Members of the Academic Society of the University of Crete have the right to borrow material from all the branches of the Library. In such cases:
3.6.1 The branch library where the user had his library ID card issued (requesting library), informs the branch library where the item is located (sending library) for the lending request.
3.6.2 The sending library checks out the material on the request library and sends it
3.6.3 The requesting library checks out the material on the user and supervises its return on time.
3.6.4 The requesting library sends the returned material back to the sending library.
3.6.5 A library patron can check in or out material in any library branch.
4.1 Items removed from the main collection to course reserves at the beginning of the academic semester are returned to their original place after the exams period.
4.2 Each tutor can make a reserve collection for a lecture or seminar that consists of no more than 15 items.
4.3 The tutor or another authorised person selects the items and gives them to the library responsible member of staff to prepare the departmentΆs reserve collection.
4.4 The material must be handed in at least two weeks before the beginning of the semester in order to be properly proceeded.
4.5 Reserve collections cannot include periodicals and items from the reference or limited-access collections.
4.6 Tutors can include materials they possess in a reserve collection provided that these materials are suitable to use. The library bears no responsibility of reproduce this material on behalf of the users.
4.7 Tutors state whether they want to leave their material to the library after the end of the semester or not. If they do, the material is considered to be a donation and is forwarded to the Department of Cataloguing, Documentation and Material Processing. Otherwise tutors must collect it immediately after the end of the exams period.
4.8 When a tutor hands in personal material, we keep its bibliographic information in a book maintained for this purpose. When returning the material to its owner, we follow the same procedure.
4.9 At the central reference desk, there are printed lists of the material in reserve collections ordered alphabetically by tutorΆs surname. These lists are removed at the end of each semester and the patrons can be informed on past reserve collections only via the on-line catalogue.
4.10 Reserve collectionsΆ material can be lent:
a. For use inside the library during opening hours. Each person can borrow up to 4 items.
b. For use outside the library during evening hours. Check out begins an hour before the circulation desk is closed. Library users must return this material at 10 am next morning. Each person can borrow up to 4 items. Tutors that do not wish to lend their personal material outside the library must inform the library staff.
5.1 All library patrons must look at the lists with the names of users that hold overdue material, which are hang at the entrance. The lists are updated every 15 days.
5.2 Failure to return borrowed material on time, results in the following fines (the fines apply to all user categories):
5.2.1 For main collection overdue material, the fine is 0,20 Euro per item per day.
5.2.2 For short loan collection overdue material, the fine is 0,30 Euro per item per day.
5.2.3 Journals may be lent only to permanent Academic Staff for 24 hours. In case of overdue the user should then have to pay 1,00 Euro per item per day. Denial of paying the fines results in suspension of this privilege for two semesters.
5.3 Fines do not apply on Sundays and Official Holidays.
5.4 The Library Head Director and the Library Committee re-examine the fine amount every three years.
5.5 The income of fines is used to cover functional needs with decision of the Head Library Director, who informs the Library Committee (article 10).
5.6 Library patrons loose their borrowing privileges for a period of time when holding overdue material for longer than 15 days without informing the library. Circulation staff in cooperation with Head Library Director decide on the exact amount of time that a patron will not be able to borrow material, which depends on the overdue time regardless of whether a fine is paid or not.
5.7 Library patrons that hold library material during holidays without library permission also loose their borrowing privileges.
6.1 This section refers to users who graduate, quit or retire from the University of Crete:
6.2 Students

6.2.1 Students who interrupt their studies lose the right to use the Library.

6.2.2 In case a student interrupts his/her studies or graduates, the Students' Registries contact the Circulation Department and give graduation certificate only after they receive official notification from the Library that this user is not responsible for any overdue material. LIS suspends the userΆs rights when informed for graduation or interruption of studies.

6.3 Permanent Academic Staff of the University of Crete

6.3.1 Academic Staff who quit their cooperation with any Department: Should make sure that any borrowed material and their library card are returned before leaving. The Academic Staff Department informs the Library when a member of the Academic Staff quits, and requests official notification from the Library that this user is not responsible for any overdue material. This official notification is a precondition for paying the last salary and give the termination certification. The Library suspends the library ID card, even if the user does not bring it back.

7.1 Interlibrary Loan Department in cooperation with the Reference Department receives interlibrary loan requests in printed or electronic form and forwards them as soon as possible. The Department supplies users of the LIS with articles in printed or electronic form, monographs, conference proceedings, standards, patents, or any other material via the national or international interlibrary network.
7.2 The user who requested the material pays interlibrary loan expenses. The amount is enough to cover the transaction cost paid by the University of Crete Library to the Library that provided the loaned material.
7.2.1 External users may request material via the interlibrary loan service, with an extra 20% supplementary cost.
7.3 In case that an original copy is borrowed, the borrower is fully responsible to compensate in case of loss or damage.
7.4 Library users must pay their interlibrary loan fees even if they do not come to the library to receive the requested material. In case of denial to pay, a patron may lose his/her borrowing privileges.
8.1 In order to make sure library material and equipment are safe while quality services are provided, the following regulations apply:
8.2 All branch libraries of the University of Crete Library are equipped with:
8.2.1 Fire management system and alarm
8.2.2 Burglar alarm electronic system
8.2.3 First aid kit
8.3 Library staff in all branches is trained to take the proper action in case of an emergency: fire, earthquake, flood, theft, etc.
8.4 Users should follow the library staff instructions and respect the Library space, as well as the other users who need a clean and quiet study place.
8.5 Users must be careful when using any LIS material or equipment. When using books, they must return them to the trolleys specified for this function. However library patrons must re-self multi-volume dictionaries, encyclopaedias and serials.
8.6 In cases of loss or damage of library material or equipment, replacement or restoration charges are imposed to the responsible user.
8.6.1 Printed material Lost material that is available in the market is replaced with an identical copy on the userΆs expenses When a book is not available in the market, it is replaced with one of similar content and value. Users must pay restoration costs for damaged material. In case of serious damage the material is considered as lost and is replaced as above.
8.7 It is forbidden to:

8.7.1 Bring material in the Library that may cause damage or suspicion for a potential theft. Personal belongings and bags are kept in the special lockers outside the Library. In case that a user wishes to take a bag inside the Library, the library staff will ask the user to open it on his/her way out. Users who wish to take a laptop inside the library must leave its case at a locker.

8.7.2 Smoke, drink and eat in the Library.

8.7.3 Use mobile phones.

8.7.4 Advertise private sector firms. LIS and the University of Crete use exclusively the announcement boards.

8.7.5 Bring pets in the library.

8.8 Library patrons must show the library staff any objects that carry with them when leaving the library. Authorised staff must remind this regulation to every user that walks out.
8.9 In case of refusal to comply with the above mentioned rules or proven deliberate damage or theft concerning Library material, the penalties described below are imposed by the Library Head Director:
8.9.1 Suspends the borrowing privileges from one week to two months.
8.9.2 In case of serious violation of the rules sends notification to the University Department the user belongs and informs the Library Committee.
8.9.3 Advances the situation to the Rector Council and the Senate in order to take further action.
8.10 Library users can protest on the decisions of paragraphs 8.9.1 and 8.9.2 at the Library Committee, whose decision is confirmed by the Senate.
9.1 Rare books, photographs and archives are kept in the Department of Archives, Limited Access Collections and Rare Material. This material requires special storage and use conditions due to its rarity, fragility and historical or artistic value.
9.2 Limited Access Collections' operation

9.2.1 Limited Access Collections are open Monday to Friday 9:00 – 15:00.
9.2.2 Users do not have access to the shelves, but can ask the staff for assistance.
9.2.3 Material can be used only in the library. Academic staff may borrow rare material for 24 hours, only if it is in good condition, according to the Limited Access Collections staff.
9.2.4 Users who intend to use Limited Access material must reserve it electronically at the Circulation Department one day prior to their visit at the library. The following day they can use the requested material at the Limited Access CollectionsΆ reading room.
9.2.5 If the user intends to use this material during the next days, he/she informs the staff to keep the reservation active. Otherwise the reservation is cancelled.
9.2.6 Each user can reserve up to five Limited Access Collection items.
9.2.7 Limited Access CollectionsΆ users must respect intellectual property legislation.

9.3 Reproduction of rare printed material

9.3.1 Patrons may photocopy rare books only if they are in good condition according to the Limited Access CollectionsΆ staff and provided that copyright laws are not violated.
9.3.2 Patrons may request a digital copy of rare books that cannot be photocopied provided it does not obstruct the departmentΆs operation.
9.3.3 Patrons who wish to request a digital copy of rare books that are not already available in digital format, must complete an application form.
9.3.4 The Department provides the user with a digital copy within a reasonable period of time.
9.3.5 The cost for digital reproduction of rare material is the same to all user categories: 0,10 Euro per page for 20th century books and 0,20 Euro for 19th century books or older. 0,10 Euro per page for reproduction from Microfilms and CD-ROMs.
9.3.6 Colored reproduction costs 0,20 Euro per page.
9.3.7 Students have a 50% discount to all of the above.
9.3.8 Material that is already digitized is available to all users provided they bring a storage device (CD, Floppy disk, memory flash) of their own. Internal users can use the above service free of charge The service cost for external users is as follows: for material up to 100 pages 5 Euro, for material up to 500 pages 10 Euro, for material of more than 500 pages 20 Euro.

9.4 Reproduction of archival material

9.4.1 Users may apply to request reproduction of archival material, provided that intellectual property laws are not violated.
9.4.2 Users must state the reason they require this material.
9.4.3 If a user intends to publicize this material must cite LIS that provided him/her with it.
9.4.4 Archival material can be reproduced only electronically. The reproduction costs 20 Euro per page.

9.5 Income from the above services is used to cover the DepartmentsΆ operational needs under decision of the Head Library Director, who informs the Library Committee (article 10).
10.1 All LIS branch are equipped with photocopying and printing equipment to cover usersΆ and visitors' needs.
10.2 Photocopiers and printers available to users and visitors operate only with magnetic cards.
10.3 LIS does not provide free magnetic cards to any library user. Photocopying costs are fixed with decision of the Library Head Director, which is revised when appropriate. These costs are the same for all LIS branches. Library income occurring from photocopies, is used to cover urgent operational needs under decision of the Head Library Director, who informs the Library Committee (article 10 )
10.4 Users photocopy for themselves. During rush hours, users must obey the designated staffΆs instructions. Priority is given to users who want to photocopy material of reserve collections.
10.5 Copying of any material is subject to international intellectual property legislation.

11.1 Computing facilities are considered to be all computer resources (PCs, printers, scanners) that exist in LIS and are available for use by its patrons. All library computers have access to the libraryΆs electronic resources and resources that are available via subscription. There is also direct link to web resources that are considered to be useful for the UniversityΆs scholar community. Users can also access software and hardware tools essential for work and study:
• Basic software tolls (Microsoft Office etc).
• Internet (controlled access).
• LIS's systems and services.
• Scanning and printing.

11.2 Use

11.2.1 Computer facilities are available in a designated place in each LIS branch. However, when necessary, they may be distributed to more than one points.
11.2.2 Each LIS branch may offer services available only in the particular branch.
11.2.3 LIS branches are connected to each other via the University Network. Thus, all services available are equally accessible in all branches.
11.2.4 All LIS users can use computing facilities provided they have a library card.

11.3 Regulations

11.3.1 Computing facilities are available during LIS opening hours.
11.3.2 At the beginning of each academic year LIS organises seminars about the use of electronic resources. It also informs its users on a frequent basis by seminars or other activities for new services available.
11.3.3 LIS has the right to use computer facilities for special reasons such as seminars, relevant to the libraryΆs aims and scope. In such cases it informs the users via announcements.
11.3.4 University Departments that need to use the libraryΆs computing facilities for educational purposes and without impeding its proper operation must inform LIS staff 10 days prior to the educational activity.
11.3.5 During busy periods users can use computing equipment for a limited period of time, which is announced by the Reference Department.
11.3.6 LIS users can use all computing facilities to support their work and study process. Printers and faxes can be used when there is an actual need. Hard disks may be used for temporary use only. Users have the ultimate responsibility to copy any personal information to their own devices and delete it from the hard disk. LIS technical staff removes any useless material from the hard disks on a regular basis. LIS bears no responsibility for the loss of any data that are not within its jurisdiction.
11.3.7 Computing facilities are available during library opening hours and must not be turned off without informing the library staff.
11.3.8 Library users must inform LIS staff for any problems regarding computing facilities.
11.3.9 Reference CDs and DVDs whose content is not available on-line, exist at the circulation office and can be borrowed as reserve material (article 4). This material may be used in PCs that are not connected to the University network.

11.4 Security-damage-fines

11.4.1 Computing facilities are part of the LIS. Hence the regulations mentioned in article 8 apply.
11.4.2 Patrons that use computing facilities must be careful and avoid causing any damage.
11.4.3 If a user causes any loss or damage to the equipment, he/she must replace it.
11.4.4 In case of an emergency or unexpected situation, LIS staff may ask the users to stop using computing facilities for as long as required.
11.4.5 Patrons that use computing facilities are committed to respect intellectual property legislation. More specifically: Using computing facilities require approval of Ν. 2121/93, Ν. 3049/2002 article 14 and Ν. 3057/2002 article 81. In case intellectual property legislation applies in electronic documents as in printed ones, it is forbidden to save or print large parts of the document. Patrons must use any information derived from computing facilities exclusively to support their academic work or study.
11.4.6 In any case computing facilitiesΆ patrons must accept the terms of use of electronic resources when applied.
11.4.7 Any attempt to violate computer security settings, LIS network security settings, University of Crete network security settings or any other network settings via LIS computing facilities is considered to be inappropriate and brings penalty.
11.4.8 If users do not obey the above regulations and LIS staff recommendations or misuse, damage and steal equipment, the Library Head Director follows the procedures mentioned in articles 8.9, 8.9.1, 8.9.2, 8.9.3 and 8.10.

12.1 Opening hours for all LIS branches is as follows:
12.1.1 Central Library – Rethymno
Monday – Friday: 9:00-20:00
Saturday: 9:00-15:00

12.1.2 Heraklio Library
Monday – Friday: 8:00-20:00
Saturday: 9:00-15:00

12.1.3 In case library opening hours expand, the library will be open for reference only after 20:00.
12.1.4 Library branches work on Saturdays only during academic semesters and exam periods. During summer, Christmas and Easter holidays, opening hours are rescheduled under decision of the Head Library Director.
12.2 Student employment within LIS
12.2.1 Students that can work in LIS are divided in the following categories: Students selected and paid by University Departments. Students who work for projects funded by the EU or other organizations. Students selected and paid by LIS.
12.2.2 Selection procedure Undergraduate students who are interested in working for the library can apply at the beginning of each semester at their departmentΆs secretary. Successful candidates work for 120 hours per semester and are paid 170 Euro by the department. LIS announces, usually at the beginning of each semester, vacancies for undergraduate and postgraduate students and the application deadline. The evaluation procedure takes place at LIS and includes testing the candidatesΆ ability to use a PC and their English language skills. Ability to use the libraryΆs automation system is greatly appreciated. The candidateΆs financial and family status is also considered. Successful candidates are paid by the project they work for. The procedure in paragraph is followed in the case of students who apply to work and paid by LIS.

12.3 LISΆs rooms may be used for educational and research purposes as well as for activities of the University of Crete. However, for practical reasons, they are not available on Saturdays.
12.3.1 More specifically, the four seminar rooms, the multi-purpose room and the conference room at the Central Library in Rethymno are available everyday from 14:30 to19:45 for teaching purposes, under decision of the Head Library Director and until the new University buildings are ready for use. All library rooms are reserved upon request by the academic staff or the departmentsΆ secretaries to the Head Library Director on a first come first served basis. The multi-purpose room is available for academic use till 19:45 and can be used for non-academic purposes (e.g. speeches) after approval of the Head Library Director. In case of absolute need of the electronic equipment that exist in LISΆs rooms, the person interested must contact LIS staff. People who use the roomsΆ electronic equipment must handle it with care and replace it if damaged.
12.4 Schools, institutions and organizations can have a guided tour at LIS building provided they arrange it in advance by contacting the Reference Department or the Library secretary.
12.5 Private companies that are in charge of maintaining the library café must co-operate with the Head Library Director and the Library staff in order to achieve provision of high-quality services.
12.6 The current library regulation will be updated, if appropriate, after three years or earlier with the decision of the Head Library Director and the Library Committee.
The current library regulation is effective after approval by the UniversityΆs senate and is published at the studentΆs guide and the libraryΆs web site.
Note: This revised and updated library regulation is not currently effective. It has been submitted to the University of Crete Senate for approval and forward to the Ministry of Education.