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05-02-2024  -  Institutional subscription to JoVE Unlimited

The University of Crete has activated an institutional subscription to JoVE Unlimited, which allows access to all content published in the multidisciplinary video resource JoVE, (JoVE Journal, JoVE Research, JoVE Education, JoVE Core, JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments, JoVE Science Education, JoVE Lab Manual, JoVE Book).It includes more than 18,000 videos and more than 2,400 news items published every year with content related to:

Biology - Biotechnology - Biochemistry - Genetics - Cancer research - Medicine - Clinical skills - Social psychology - Cell biology - Cell biology - Engineering - Mechanical engineering - Molecular biology - Neuroscience - Nursing - Organic chemistry - Statistics - Pharmacology - Physics - Chemistry - Psychology.

To watch the videos from any location you can simply create an account using your university email and log in.

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