Homepage :: Circulation in Covid-19 period
Circulation in Covid-19 period
The Library users must not visit the Library unless they have received the message of arrangement. In your request enter only your Uoc academic e-mail.
1. Ungraguate Student's Loan
2. Professor's/PhD's/Graduate σtudent's Loan
3. Staff/External User's Loan
For this period Library patrons are requested to renew their borrowed material by sending a request to the following addresses: circ-ret@lib.uoc.gr (for Rethymno) or circ-her@lib.uoc.gr (for Heraklio) – mentioning their Name, Faculty and Registration number.
Their request will be accepted only if it is sent:
- From their Uoc academic e-mail
- Three (3) days before the due date of the books
Patrons will be informed by the Circulation service when their request is carried out.