University of Crete Library
Homepage :: User's Services :: Circulation :: About the circulation service
Circulation service
Department of Circulation, Short Loan Collection and Security

- Supplies the lending services and makes sure the checked-out material is brought back on time.
- Processes lending data and publicizes statistical tables etc.
- Organizes and manages the Short Loan Collection.
- Cooperates with the university tutors for the building of the Short Loan Collection.
- Manages the material whose circulation should be controlled within the Library (audiovisual material etc).
- Keeps a guest book of the Library.
- Controls the library exit and takes measures to secure the material, during the working hours of the Library as well as when it is closed, in collaboration with the Guard and Security Service of the University.
- Is responsible for the use of the photocopying machines.
- Supervises the Reading Rooms and the Open Access Collections.
- Is responsible to arrange the Open Access Collection and put the returned books material etc back to their position
- Is responsible for the preservation and the well being of the Library. 

 If you have any questions please feel free to contact us via e-mail (Rethymno) and (Heraklio).